Saturday, July 27, 2019

Impact on second language learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Impact on second language learning - Essay Example rs: an innate capacity for acquiring language or Language Acquisition Device, containing the "universal" features found in all languages and the â€Å"critical or optimal age hypothesis.† Non- linguistic factors which are considered when talking about language acquisition are motivation, opportunity; and language learning ability. (Fantini & Reagan, 1992) According to recent studies (Dornyei, 2005) L2 motivational self system is the equation of the motivational dimension of "integrativeness/integrative motivation" with the "ideal L2 self which is person’s hopes, aspirations, desires or other desired attributes. If ideal self is interested in the mastery of an L2, then one has "integrative" disposition (according to Gardners (1985) terminology). (Csizer & Dornyei, 2005a) "Integrative" disposition supposes sincere interest in the L2-speaking community and its life, culture and routines. Integrativeness reflects a positive outlook on the L2 and its culture which makes learners desire to integrate themselves into the L2 culture and L2 speakers’ community. (Csizer & Dornyei, 2005) If the L2 community has no respect among learners – it is associated with negative characteristics such as poverty or crime - it provides less motivation for students to learn the language of this community. The researcher of attitudinal basis of language attainment Spolsky (1969) arrived at the conclusion: â€Å"One of the most important attitudinal factors is the attitude of the learner to the language and to its speakers" (p. 274 in Csizer & Dornyei, 2005) The attitude to community contains some constituents: attitudes toward having direct contact with L2 speaker or opportunity to travel to the country of origin and on the other hand cultural interest or appreciation of cultural products related to particular L2 and spread by the media - movies, music, magazines and books which provide indirect contact with L2 community. L2 cultural products play an important role in acquiring

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